The Camp Alkulana Golf Tournament 2024
It’s time for the 2024 Annual Camp Alkulana Golf Tournament!
Since 2005, we have gathered at a Richmond-area golf course in October to spend a day supporting the mission of Camp Alkulana. Please join us on October 7, 2024 at the The Richmond Country Club!
Event Schedule
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Shotgun Start
5:00 pm: Awards
Golfer Fees
$125 Singles $440 Foursome $540 Hole Sponsorship + Foursome
Sponsorship Opportunities
Booster Sponsorship
cost $50 supports the tournament sponsors receive publicity in our program and website perfect for golfers who can give a little extra to support our children and youth number of booster sponsorships available: 50
Hole Sponsorship
cost $125 discounted cost $100 discounted for foursomes adding a sponsorship supports the tournament by covering essential costs like greens fees and tournament materials sponsors receive a custom designed sign on the course and publicity in our program and website perfect for small business owners, civic organizations, families, and Sunday School Classes number of Hole Sponsorships available: 17
Snack Cart Sponsorship
cost $200 supports the tournament by sponsoring treats for all of our golfers in their carts sponsors receive a custom designed sign on the course and publicity in our program and website perfect for anyone who loves a good snack! number of Snack Cart Sponsorship available: 1
Prize Sponsorship
cost $300 supports the tournament by covering the costs of tournament prizes sponsors receive a custom designed sign on the course and publicity in our program and website perfect for individuals or groups wishing to celebrate the golfers who show up to support Camp Alkulana number of Prize Sponsorships available: 1
Lunch Sponsorship
cost $500 supports the tournament by covering the cost of lunch for golfers sponsors receive a custom designed sign on the course and publicity in our program and website perfect for small business owners, civic organizations, families, and churches number of Lunch Sponsorships available: 1